Take the Next Step

      Do you ever find yourself wanting to go deeper with Jesus or wanting to make a bigger impact in the world? I remember feeling being confronted with that same desire. I was a vice president in a company heading their sales and marketing divisions. I was beginning to sense that I was to be a pastor, and the only option I saw at the time was quit my job and go to seminary. It was a huge step, but we didn’t see another avenue and so we took the big jump.
      Later, after we started CrossBridge, I met other men and women who were feeling the same thing. It seemed to me that there had to be other options for helping people like this walk into the fullness of God’s plan for their lives without their having to quit their job or go to seminary.
     The answer became the CrossBridge Disciple School-a nine month course combining compelling lectures, practical training, and life changing experiences all designed to equip a person to become an effective disciple maker and one who rightly handles God’s Word.
     On September 12th we begin our second year of our Disciple School and I couldn’t recommend it more. In fact, Debbie and I enrolled as students last year and loved it. Not only did we grow spiritually, but our practical skills developed and we’re both discipling other people. If it grows your pastor and his wife, my bet is that it would be beneficial for you, too.
     It’s a big commitment-probably 7-8 hours per week, including a 4-hour class on Tuesday nights 6:00-10:00 pm…and you’ll love every minute of it, plus you’ll make life long connection with the students…and you’ll find that your whole life changes as you grow closer to Jesus.
     To find out more, go to the Disciple School webpage or contact Laura Huey.

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