Jesus Wants It All

In John 14 Jesus makes this audacious proposal: Don’t let your hearts be troubled; you trust in God, trust also in me. He goes on to say that he’s the way, he’s the truth, and he’s the life.

     He’s telling each of us that at the root of what we need, what we want, and what we’re looking for is Jesus. He’s not looking to be a piece of our life puzzle, he’s telling us that he is THE puzzle. The whole thing.
     He wants it all. He wants us to give him all of who we are. He tells us we will never regret it because he’s faithful, true, and able to deliver on his promises. And then, echoing the Old Testament prophets, he predicts that he will die and will raise back to life – – and he does.
     And when he does, he looks to each of us, individually, and asks, now will you believe? Now will you give me everything?

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