Walking With Jesus

     In John 12:26, Jesus describes his followers in this way: they’re the ones who serve me, follow me, and where I am they will also be.

     When he refers to our serving him, he’s talking about us doing things with him–not just for him. When he talks about following him, he’s talking about our walking with him closely enough that we can see and learn from what he’s doing. When he talks about our being with him, he’s explaining his desire that we simply enjoy doing everything in life in his presence–with him.
     As we continue walking through the Gospel of John, don’t settle for simple knowledge, don’t settle for just good lessons that you’ll go out and try to apply in your own strength. Instead, open your arms wide so that you can receive all that Jesus has for you. Receive the fullness of what he has in store for those that have a personal relationship with him.
On the adventure with you,

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