Two Things to Pray for Right Now

First, for the next week, let’s put a morning and an afternoon reminder on our phones to remind us to intercede for the the sake of the gospel. We have two teams heading out of the country. One is in Reynosa now and another heads to Costa Rica on Dec. 31. (Plus, one of our CrossBridgers has joined a team from another church heading to Thessaloniki.) Two times a day through January 8, let’s stop and thank Jesus for being the Savior and pray blessing in his name over the work of these teams.

Second, let’s jump in deep and pray for First Gift, our missions offering. Currently we’ve given $37,000 toward the $282,000 goal. Most CrossBridgers love our fellowship precisely because we’re focused on taking the gospel to the nations. First Gift is the primary way we fund these efforts. Let’s ask the Lord to stir the hearts of people to act and to give. This year with two Sundays being on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, we aren’t together as much to talk about this, so let’s pray. I’m fasting today as well for this, if you want to join me. To see the list of First Gift missions, click here. To give to First Gift, click here. When we pray, Jesus includes us in what he’s doing and he gives power to what we pray. Join me through January 8 and let’s see what he does.

Don’t forget that First Gift  is also how we’re raising money to furnish the lobby expansion. We had money saved for the construction, but need to pitch in personally for the lighting and furnishings.

On the adventure with you,
Kirk Freeman

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