Making the Most of Christmas

Christmas is a time when people are more open to spiritual things. It’s the time of year when followers of Jesus often cocoon the most. So, our friends and neighbors can wind up hearing and seeing the love of Jesus and we can wind up missing out on being included in cool Jesus stuff.

     Don’t get me wrong, I love my family time and can’t wait until my girls are all home but, at the same time, I want to be available to let Jesus include me in what he’s doing in the lives of others. Plus, I want to keep modeling a yielded life for my daughters’ every chance I get.
     Here are some ways I hang with my family and love the people in my sphere of influence:
–Wherever you go, pray, “Jesus, include me!” Make sure you’re willing to respond when he does.
–Intentionally reach out with a gift to someone to deepen your friendship with them for Jesus’ sake.
–Invite someone to your open house or to have hot chocolate.
–Ask someone what they’re doing for Christmas. Ask follow up questions that show you really care.
–Invite someone to the CrossBridge Christmas Eve services or the Christmas Day Sunday Service.
     These aren’t things we have to do, they’re things we get to do. You’ll be amazed at how much more fulfilling Christmas becomes. Hey, don’t forget about First Gift. Let’s take the gospel to the nations together! Hundreds will be impacted by the gospel next year through your giving. Here’s the First Gift list.
On the adventure with you,

Kirk Freeman

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