Construction Starts Today

The crew started demolition work on our patio today as they start construction on
the expanded lobby and upstairs classroom. I offered to jump in and help, but Ricky
and Patrick (see photo) only let me hold a6e9eaa2a-c0ff-4630-9614-5403ba56b116

hammer for the picture and they wouldn’t let me go near the power chisel (it was
really cool looking!)
This lobby is going to provide more room for us on Sundays and for meetings during
the week and the classroom upstairs is going to be high demand from day one. The
best part?…it’s already paid for. Our goal is to be complete before Easter so,
in the meantime, be ready to deal with a little construction. It won’t be to bad,
but things may be a bit messy.

8fd79a12-25e2-401e-890d-6ca74734d020We do need everyone to begin now to pray and obey about First Gift, our annual Christmas
offering through which we fund most of our missions efforts and how we’ll furnish
the lobby. Simply look at the list of items on the First Gift list
and then ask God (pray) how he would have you contribute, then do what he says (obey).
That’s a great way to approach every aspect of life and it guarantees that God will
include us in what he’s doing in the world. Don’t forget that this Sunday we’ll
continue our teaching series, Waiting on Jesus. God’s got good things planned for
you at CrossBridge this Christmas season and even more in the new year. Let’s keep
hanging together!
On the adventure with you,
Kirk Freeman

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