F.C.O.E. Strikes Again!

    The Friendliest Church on Earth struck again this week! The common theme in the surveys we received from guests was the friendliness of our church. Everybody felt welcomed! Guess who’s fault that is?…yours!

    In God’s generosity, he is letting us deliver his love and joy to people that visit our fellowship on Sundays. In a sense, he’s trusting us with his first impression. We may be the first picture people have of how much Jesus loves them. What a high honor! 

     Everyone can be friendly in their own way. Some of you have quiet, reassuring personalities, while others have more exuberant, outgoing traits. God loves this and everything in between. Some of you have a gift of being a genuine listener. Others never met a stranger. All good!
     Before you come this Sunday, ask the Lord to give you eyes to see what he’s doing on Sunday and how you can be included in loving others. Let’s keep our streak going!
The End of Hope
The Mirror


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