Take 15 Minutes to Reflect


            Find a closet or go in your backyard or just go sit in your car, but find sometime in the next three days to sit and reflect on Jesus becoming a man. Think about why he did it, the love, the urgency, the hope. At least for 15 minutes, let the busyness of the your schedule take a back seat and give God room to refresh your awareness of what Jesus did and why.


            In some ways 15,minutes seems like a short time, but I’m betting this 15 minutes of reflection might actually be hard for you. Be ready for your to-do-list to start screaming and clamoring for your attention. For many of us, reflection is a lost art or maybe even a strength we never developed or knew to develop, but it follows the example of Jesus, King David and the Apostle John.


            Our reflection on the Truth recalibrates and renews our mind. It gives the Holy Spirit the opportunity to re-size our concerns and responsibilities in light of Jesus. Peace is always the result. When we give the Holy Spirit room and even a little time, he always brings peace–it’s who he is and what he does.




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