Christmas Matters

             The past couple of Sundays we’ve talked about how Jesus wants to include you in what he’s doing. I asked you to try something with me:

             First, do our Bible study at least ten minutes each day so your mind is being renewed and then ask these two questions wherever you are:

 1.     Jesus, what are you doing right here, right now?

 2.     Jesus, how can I be included?

             If you want to see more of the power of Jesus in your life then join his invitation to be included this Christmas. It doesn’t require that you go anywhere or spend any more money. Simply renew your mind (Romans 12:2) and then look to join Jesus in what he’s doing.

             Like any good father, he loves to include us in what he’s doing when our heart has a genuine desire for his priorities. Experiment with me this Christmas. Let’s see if Jesus gives you a story.

             On sad note, Tuesday evening at 8:40 pm, Scott Crail went to be with the Lord unexpectedly. He, his wife Tanya and children Joey and Alli, have been part of our fellowship for eight years. Some of you know them from life group, while all of us have been served by them as they, together as family, prepared communion for us each month. Scott was also one of our regular ushers. While the family is deeply grieving, they know and are confident that Scott is now with Jesus and they will be with him again. The memorial service is at 10:30 a.m. this Saturday at the Community Center. Jesus purchased comfort and strength for us on the cross. Pray this over Tanya and the kids in this season.


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