The Course through Chaos

The Course Through Chaos

This season in our nation is more chaotic than any I can remember. Certainly, the old saying, “In an election year, everything is about the election,” is proving true. 

If the followers of Jesus are going to chart a course through this chaotic time, we must understand God’s big picture. We need to have insight into how this current season fits into God’s macro story. 

A couple of months ago, I taught on Matthew 24, where Jesus tells us to be alert and describes the events that will unfold before his return. This Sunday, we’ll start a new series that will help us clearly see what God is doing right now and how it fits in with his promises and prophecies about his Kingdom.

As we better discern the signs of the times, we will avoid panic and passivity and be the people Jesus is calling us to be. Join us for these next six Sundays for our “The Course Through Chaos” series.

On the adventure with you,


P.S. Good news! After four weeks of meeting in-person, we’ve not had a single case of COVID-19 originating from our gathering. I’d love to see you again—kids, too!

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