Racism and Complacency

While I would expect most of you reading this would not consider yourself racist, one thing of which I’ve been convicted lately is what I’ll call the “sin of complacency.” It comes about when I focus almost exclusively on how things are going for me personally and neglect to consider how our culture might be experienced by others. 

When I feel the pain of conviction regarding this, my pride and our spiritual enemy want to lead me into defensiveness—“I’m not racist!” my conscience yells in response. But, if I resist this knee-jerk response, and instead repent of my complacency, I discover something really encouraging: I have significant power to make a difference for positive change. I can lend my voice to those whose voices are not as valued or recognized. I can stand up on behalf of those who face injustice.

I can be mired in regret that I was complacent and wish I’d never been…or…I can trust that with Jesus “a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day.” He can make up for my lost time and include me in being a blessing to our brothers and sisters who are black (or any other color). This is what I choose. 
I choose to repent of complacency and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal how he wants to include me. I’d love for you to join me.

On the adventure with you!

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