In Him, We’re Free!

Today, I’m praying Ephesians 3:12: “In my relationships with Jesus and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.”

Good morning, Father God! I’m so thankful I can draw close to you in freedom and confidence. I am free!—you’ve taken away every barrier by way of the death and resurrection of Jesus. I’m pure and clean in your eyes. Nothing can separate me from you (Romans 8:38). Even recent missteps and sin of the day before do not impede my approaching you when I walk through the doorway of repentance: I renounce those actions/thoughts/words and reaffirm my genuine desire to trust and to follow you. I approach with the same freedom with which Jesus approaches you!  How good it is to be free to come into your presence! 

Even more than that, though, I am confident that you want to be with me. You delight in me like you delight in Jesus—wow! Holy Spirit, help me grasp this amazing truth! My words and thoughts are precious to you. And I am both eager to hear your words to me and I am confident that you will share them with me (Romans 12:2). I am confident you welcome me with open arms and a desire to share your heart with me. So I say “Yes!” to your invitation to draw near. I love being in your presence!

On the adventure with you,


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