A General in God’s Army

A General in God’s Army

Ying Kai is a missionary to China through whom God has brought salvation to millions—literally. Through simple, reproducible disciple making, Ying has made disciples who make disciples. We’ve just confirmed that Ying is going to be with us this weekend on the CrossBridge campus to speak Saturday afternoon at the World Mandate Conference. I look at Ying as a general in God’s army—one of the true leaders of leaders—and I’m pumped about his being at World Mandate.

Online sign up for World Mandate is closed, but you can still buy tickets at the door. If you can’t make the whole weekend, you can come at 1:00 p.m. to hear Ying for free. This may be your only chance to hear him, so please don’t miss the opportunity.

Also, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. on Thursday evening, we’re going to have an hour of worship and intercession on the CrossBridge campus for World Mandate. Come join Debbie and me and Bryan McCleery to pray for a movement of God this weekend.

On the adventure with you,


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