Millions of Dollars for What?

Every year we invest millions of dollars in “doing church.” But what does that look like? More importantly, what does that investment produce?  Each January we publish an Annual Report that recaps some of the main results of our ministry efforts from the previous year. As a part of our CrossBridge family, it’s important you know the good things God is doing. I think you’ll be excited about it. 

Accompanying our 2019 Annual Report is our 2020 Budget which shows the main ministry categories in which we’ll be investing in the present year. One of the most exciting parts of the budget is the Missions category. When you add up our budgeted investment plus our investment in Escuela Viva (our child sponsorship program) and our international outreaches, you’ll see we’re investing 32% of every dollar into efforts that directly take the gospel into the world both locally and globally. 

All this to say: You’re part of a church that is genuinely focused on what Jesus’ priorities are in the world. I love being part of a church like this and hope you do, too!

On the adventure with you,


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