Finding Buried Treasure

Nearly 60 times in the New Testament, God speaks about our storing up treasure or rewards in heaven. Then in Paul gives us a clue to what this treasure is when he writes to his dear friends in the ancient city of Thessalonica, “What is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you?”—1 Thessalonians 2:19

Jesus exhorts us to store up treasure in heaven…Paul tells us that the treasure is connected to loving people! Even the small things we do to care for others—praying for them, being kind, telling them about Jesus’ love—all these things and more are remembered by Jesus and he promises to reward them in heaven. (Mark 9:41) It all matters. It all counts. 

We don’t need to strive for fame or more social media followers. We don’t need to measure the significance of our lives by the size of our house or how many people “liked” the latest photo we posted. We can follow Jesus right where we are, loving people alongside him as he includes us in gathering heavenly treasure.

This Sunday I’ll be talking more about this and how we do it…then you can go treasure hunting with Jesus!

On the adventure with you,


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