Back on Home Turf

I’ve been out for a good bit this summer as Debbie and I have been with our various outreach teams in various countries. Never before have I seen God do so much through our church. The stories sound like the Book of Acts—healings, salvations, community—I would love for everyone to get to personally experience God move in such powerful ways!

But…I’m no less excited to be back in our own ‘hood with all of CrossBridge. I love getting to be one of your pastors and I love the way that together we keep saying “Yes!” to Jesus!

We’re winding down the summer and ramping up for the fall with several new teaching series, parenting classes and other efforts to equip you and to encourage you. I love being out in the nations sharing the Gospel but I also love seeing Jesus glorified in San Antonio with you! See you Sunday!

On the adventure with you,


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