What You Really Need

Good communication is at the root of every intimate relationship we have. This is also true for our relationship with Jesus. Our soul desperately needs to hear his spiritual voice. In fact, we can’t follow Jesus or really know him without this.

When we (and our kids) begin to experience Jesus speaking through the Holy Spirit and the Word, our relationship with him comes alive in a new way! Then, when we obey what he tells us, we begin to see his promises and his power show up in our lives—it’s truly amazing!

We don’t have to settle for a lifeless faith. Jesus doesn’t want us to! He wants us to know his will so we can follow him (Romans 12:2). He wants us to experience his presence and power (Ephesians 3:19). He wants us to actually hear his spiritual voice and we can (John 10:27)! Let’s never again settle for just being Christians who come sit and listen…let’s be followers of Jesus who listen and obey!

Here are some links to great resources to help you grow closer to Jesus this summer:

  1. Practice listening to the Lord like we did last Sunday together. Teach your kids or someone else to hear Jesus, too!
  2. Parents, check out the kid resources we have.
  3. Get the CrossBridge app so you easy summer access to our Reading Plan and our Sunday Livestream.

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