A Great Place to Raise your Family

More and more as I look at CrossBridge, I see us as a great place to raise a family. We’ve got people in our church that represent every single life stage, but one of our biggest segments is young families.

When I walk in on Sundays and when I go to life groups, I see a fellowship of people who genuinely care about the next generation—and the challenge parents have in this day and age. One of the things I love about our church is even those who don’t have kids are loving the families that do! So good!

Here’s a perfect example of what I mean…this weekend we’re having our first Bonfire event. With s’mores, games, a movie and some top notch breakouts on technology, discipline, and youth culture, Bonfire is going to be a great family experience.

But remember…we’re not just trying to raise our own great families, we want to help our friends, neighbors and coworkers. Sign up for Bonfire, but share the link with someone you know. Let them know that CrossBridge is a great place to raise their family.

On the Adventure with you,


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