Big Announcement this Sunday!

You know how we’ve been talking about “taking a step to the right”?  Well…over the past
three weeks more than 400 people made a commitment to do just that.  Some made the commitment to start making our Sunday gathering a regular part of their week. Way to go!

Another 306 people signed up to go or get more information on one of our local or global outreaches! I couldn’t be more excited!  Whenever we take a step closer to Jesus’ heart, he always blesses…so get ready.  You’re going to find him meeting you in new ways—some may stretch you, but you can trust him.  Jesus is always working for the good of those who love him and follow him. That means you!

This Sunday, I have another big announcement to make that’s a result of us all taking a
step to the right. I’m not telling what it is until Sunday morning…which shouldn’t be a problem since you’ll be there, right?! Come hear the big news!

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