Ordinary People doing really Cool Things

       This Sunday at our gathering we’re going to hear story after story of ordinary people doing really cool things. It’s going to be…well…really cool. The reason I want us to hear these stories is because the only requirement for any of us having really cool stories of our own is simply to say, “Yes!” to Jesus.
         In Psalm 139:16, God tells us that he’s got this special book filled with all his plans for our life. It’s filled with all the exciting ways he desires to include you as he sets people free from fear and anger…as he brings hope to the hopeless…as he brings healing to the sick…as he makes friends out of enemies. It’s like a huge activity book filled with adventure and significance he desires to share with each of us…and all we have to do is say, “Yes!”
         This Sunday, we’ll see what saying “Yes!” looked like for a bunch of people at CrossBridge. It’s going to pump us up…we’re going to cheer…we’re going to celebrate. And then, I’m going to give each of us a chance to say, “Yes!” to Jesus. I don’t know what your “Yes” might look like — it might start with getting baptized this Sunday. Baptism is a big “Yes!”  Or maybe connecting with a life group will be the way you express your “Yes”, but saying “Yes!” to Jesus will be the start of your own really cool story.
On the Adventure with you,

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