How God Keeps Score

     What matters to God? What is it that he gets excited about? As a guy who gets up on stage every week to speak to people, it’s tempting for me to get excited when Sunday attendance trends upward. But does that equate to points on God’s scoreboard?…I’m not so sure.
     But when teenagers get on stage after spending their summer in Indonesia and they tell stories of hearing God’s voice and going obediently and boldly to share the Gospel with people — I know for a fact God is cheering. When a bunch of families stand on stage and we celebrate not just that they meet weekly with one another, but that they’re willing to let each other go in order to multiply, creating a new group to make room for others to find a place in the body of Christ — I know without a doubt, that’s points on God’s scoreboard. And when the Gospel is shared and people decide to follow Jesus, and then they stand up or get baptized, making a public declaration — all of heaven is celebrating!
     And that’s what we at CrossBridge celebrate, too. God is so generous to share with us the stuff that really matters to his heart. How gracious to share with us 24 people being baptized this past Sunday — who cares if the second service went two hours long?! Last Sunday was a day full of God hitting homeruns…and he did it in our stadium! How cool to be included!
     Let’s keep following him…and loving others…and listening…and obeying…and walking in community. If we do, I guarantee we’ll keep seeing God hit balls over the fence.
On the Adventure with you,

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