Annual Budget and Kids’ Conference

     Presenting our annual budget is always a fun thing for me. It honestly gives me a chance to sort of “show off” our church. Click the link and you’ll not only see how we’re investing our money in 2018, but you’ll some some of the powerful things Jesus did through us in 2017. This Sunday, we’ll affirm the budget together and thank the Lord for how generous he is. Our budget Q&A will be at 8:00 a.m. this Sunday in the Upper Room above the lobby.

     On another note, if you haven’t signed up for our World Mandate Conference, please do so…it’s going to powerful. Plus, if you’ve got kids, they are going to love our World Mandate Kids’ Conference. Each child gets a passport and travels to four different “countries” where they meet real missionaries in costumes or via Skype. They’ll learn greetings in each of the languages and be immersed in a transforming experience. Makes me wish I were a kid!
On the adventure with you,

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