Keep the Ball Rollin’

     Over the course of the summer, the Lord is including us in so much…Two teams to Costa Rica distributing Bibles and hosting a huge sports camp…510 kids at Back Yard Bible Club…a team to Greece working with refugees…a team to Rwanda training pastors in Freedom Prayer…a team to Tacoma to work with the Teague’s in loving the homeless…a team to Romania to share the healing love of Jesus with young people infected with HIV/AIDS. I’m sure I’m probably missing something…Oh yeah, students and children will be going to camp where they’ll encounter Jesus. God is on the move.
     But one thing I’ve learned: Whenever God is at work, our enemy is seeking to undermine. While the enemy hates when we devote ourselves to God’s kingdom work in these ways, he’d much rather us limit our efforts to a week out of the summer than surrender each and everyday to God’s plan to reconcile the world.
     Satan would rather us think of “missions” as an event-something we gear up to go do-than for us to live everyday crucified with Christ. Satan limits his losses if we think mission is one-week-per-year, instead of living with a missional mindset.
     I’m not talking about working harder or walking around feeling like we’re not doing enough. I’m talking about living on adventure with Jesus all the time and being amazed about how he includes in the lives of people in our oikos.*
     Let’s give Jesus room in our lives, in our work, in our rest, in our vacation-all the time. There’s no more exciting and abundant life.
On the adventure with you,
*Oikos is a Greek word in the Bible that we use to refer the people in our sphere of influence. Your oikos includes people whom you’re around regularly or even just temporarily in the moment.

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