Engage the Crisis

     Over four million people have been displaced due to the fighting and persecution in Syria and the surrounding area. Many have fled to Greece, the closest EU nation. Many have passed through Greece to more permanent residence in Eastern Europe, but many thousands are stuck in Athens–Muslims fleeing persecution by Muslims.

     These Muslim refugees are disillusioned and feel betrayed by those who claim devotion to the same Allah. Their lives and families have been uprooted and they’ve seen careers, possessions, and investments stolen forever. Now, with the recent agreement between the EU and Turkey, many refugees are stuck in Greece indefinitely, many separated from family, living in tents in a country whose government is bankrupt.

And Jesus loves them all!

     He’s known every one of these individuals from before they were born and his desire, expressed in Ephesians 1, is that be part of his family, holy and blameless in his sight. And…he’s asking us to go tell them of this good news. In July, we’ll be taking two teams (38 people total) to Greece to minister “hands on” in the streets of Athens. It’s not enough to send money…what’s needed is people who can be the hands and feet of Jesus…that’s why we’re going.

     Our biggest need right now is prayer. Will you pray for the darkness to be overcome in the hearts of these refugees? Will you pray for their eyes to recognize the truth and power of Jesus? We’ll be talking more about this in the weeks to come, but you can find out more here. Whether you pray, give or go, Engage the Crisis with us. Be part of the team!


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