Amazed By God

     The thing that really got to me as I prepared last week’s message (click here for message) was how the seraphim in Isaiah 6 stay day and night in the presence of God singing, “Holy, Holy, Holy!”

     Think about it….everyday, all day this is what the seraphim do. If that’s seems boring to us, it’s because there’s nothing in this physical world that is constantly captivating. Oh, we might be amazed by something for a season or struck by the beauty of something, but ultimately, everything becomes familiar to us. But Christ isn’t like that. His beauty and majesty are endless (hard to grasp, I know), and therefore, unlike anything or anyone else, he is constantly captivating.

     The seraphim have never seen someone or something so awesome and there’s nothing they’d rather do than experience Christ as he reveals the never ending beauty, power, and nature of God. He’s like the proverbial “book you can’t put down,”…and he doesn’t end! He always has something new and deeper to reveal and the seraphim know it.

     This the place each of needs to start in order to be transformed–we need to experience the awesome beauty of Jesus–we need to be amazed by him. If I’m not amazed by him, then it’s because I’m being “amazed” by something else…that “something else” is always “something less” and will never satisfy us fully or for long. We were made with never-ending appetite for beauty and adventure and amazement–Jesus alone can meet this need. It’s what we were made for! This year at CrossBridge, we’re going to give you opportunities to experience Jesus more fully. If you want to be transformed, then come with us. Join in when we talk about practicing his presence…learning to have a living conversation through the Word by the Spirit…walking in the community of a life group…pursuing freedom from the baggage of the past through Freedom Prayer…mission trips, etc. Let’s seek Jesus together!


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