The Veterans Choice

              Paul exhorts us to live our lives in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Since we’ve been bought at such a high price, we should live lives which honor Jesus. Also, since it was for the sake of our living in freedom that Jesus set us free, we shouldn’t tolerate bondage to sin or the nagging effects of past wounds–we should go after freedom.

            All of veterans live with the threat or the certainty of moving regularly, being separated from their family by deployment, or of physical danger. All of this is part of their role of serving us, preserving our freedom. What makes this even more meaningful, is that this is their choice; they weren’t conscripted. Every veteran has chosen to live this life of serving others and protecting their freedom.

            In light of this, let’s live lives worthy of their sacrifice. Let’s put away complaining and grumbling. Let’s live lives of gratitude. Let’s honor the service of our vets and let’s make the most of our freedom. Let’s embrace the higher virtues, putting others before ourselves. This honors our veterans and the Lord.


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