Joy Included

            Is your life characterized by joy? Would others consider you generally to be a person who has an abiding joy? If not, you’re not getting your money’s worth out of the Christian life. Joy is one of the things he purchased for you on the cross. It’s yours to have and he really, really wants you to have it.

            I know it’s easy to look around at the stress in my life, the problems I’ve got and whatever else and find myself in a not-so-joyful place. Self-help gurus might tell me to count up the good things versus the bad things in my life and see all the reasons I have for being thankful, but some joy killers are more powerful than my ability to have a positive attitude. (Can you relate?)

            The only thing that I’ve found that keeps joy from being covered up in my life is being in the presence of Jesus and letting the Holy Spirit minister to me as I meditate on the Word. Only Jesus is big enough to kill the things that kill my joy. I’ve simply got to stay close to him. And you know what’s really cool?…this is exactly what he wants. That’s why he tells us in Matt. 11, “Come to me if you’re weak or joyless and I will give you rest.”

            Here’s an idea…Turn on Pandora worship music, get out the Psalms (which is King David’s personal journal), and think about every phrase, asking Father God to reveal himself the way he did to David. )It also helps to make sure there’s not glaring disobedience in my life.) In his presence problems of my life begin to shrink. They look small in comparison to him…but I’ve got to be in his presence.


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