Easter Ahead

     I’ve been asking the Lord for his direction for how I should be interceding for our church in prayer. Over the weeks leading up to Easter, I believe he wants to increase the intimacy with which we know him and to increase our love of his presence and ways, and to increase our love of the lost.

     We need him to remove the “flesh goggles” through which we see him, ourselves and the world so that we see reality. Through the eyes of the flesh, the kingdom of God doesn’t make sense; at best it becomes a service project or “mission outing.”

     We need him to correct our vision. This begins with our vision of him. As I said Sunday, we need to recognize and embrace him as the most beautiful, most engaging, most fulfilling, most powerful person in the universe. We need to experience him in a way that we are re-amazed by his beauty, power, presence, and love. (Lord, I confess my longings drift to the things of the earth. I give you permission to redirect my desires. I want to change–change me!)

    We need him to correct our vision. We need to see ourselves accurately. In his amazing wisdom and plan, he has chosen for us to partner with the expression of his will, the expansion of his kingdom. The expansion in us personally results in the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit expressed in us for the sake of the church and the lost. In humility and joy, we yield ourselves, our time, our longings, our resources and plans to his plan. We need to be transformed so that our highest joy is found in obedience and intimacy–even as we conduct the regular, busy activities of our lives. He’s not pulling us out of the world, but is revealing himself in the world through us. (Lord, I want to be closer to you! Wring as much glory for yourself out my life!)

     We need him to correct our vision. We need to see the deep longing of his heart to have those he created near him and know his love. In ways that human words can’t affect, we need God to speak his passion for people to us, reigniting (or igniting for the first time) our passion in unity with his. (Lord, I repent of the way I overlook those who don’t know your love. They are not merely part of my landscape, they are your passion!)

     This isn’t so much about Easter as a Sunday event, but rather about the purpose and accomplishment of the resurrection. Plucked from the fire of condemnation, we desire to be close to the one who saved us and is still saving others. Will you join me in praying this?


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