Crazy Good!

     Last Sunday as we began to give Easter away, the response was crazy good! We now have 700 boxes being filled with food for the Children’s Hunger Fund–300 more and we’ll hit our goal of 1,000. We also had tons of people sign up for our 40-hour prayer room and also to serve on Easter Sunday, plus we’ve had to go back to press for Easter invitations. Now, just two things remain…Prayer and follow through.

    We all need to light the bonfire of prayer for the sake of salvation. Ask the Lord for the names of specific people to prayer for and then go for it. Keep tending the fire. Use alerts or alarms on your phone, tablet, or computer to remind you to stop, even for just a few seconds, several times through out the day to intercede for people to come to know the love of Christ. I’ve got six people on my list and I’m going before the Lord on their behalf throughout the day.

    We all need to follow through with our commitment. Let’s get those invitations into the hands of people who need them. If we committed to serve or sign up for the prayer room, let’s show up on time, ready to roll. If we took a food box, let’s fill it up and have it back either this Sunday or on Easter so we can pray over them and celebrate together! We’ll see the power of the Lord if we follow through, because these efforts are in perfect alignment with his heart. He longs to see everyone come to know his love. He doesn’t want anyone to miss out.

   Don’t forget the schedule for Easter weekend: our new Good Friday Service starts at 6:30 p.m….the 40-Hour Prayer Room starts on Good Friday at 4:00 p.m. and goes straight through until 8:00 a.m. Easter morning…then we three Easter services at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m.

   I’m pumped! Can you tell?


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