A Time to Laugh, a Time to Cry, a Time to Catch Up

In Ecclesiastes you find the famous monologue of Solomon about there being a time for everything. I don’t often say this, but I want to ask you to take time to catch up. Our walk through the book Colossians has been significant and I think you need to catch up with is if you’ve missed. You may have missed because you were out of town….because you slept in…because you were at a club tournament…or because you were serving in KidZone. Whatever the reason, I think you really need to catch up with us. Here’s how you can…

    Read through the first chapter of Colossians several times this week. Familiarize yourself with what Paul is teaching. Do this and you’ll come in this Sunday prepped for God to speak to you personally through the message.

    I also think you need to watch the message from last Sunday (click here to watch). Yes, I’m preaching, but it’s not about me. Last Sunday God’s working was obvious. It was apparent and everyone knew something was going on. I know a video isn’t the same as being there, but I guarantee you’ll be impacted.

    Maybe you’re waning a little in your enthusiasm for being in the Word. Maybe your New Year’s resolution doesn’t seem that pressing anymore. Don’t listen to that voice. If you made a commitment to be in the Word or join a life group or be more consistent on Sunday or whatever, then you’re going to face spiritual attack in the form of waning enthusiasm. Don’t give in! Don’t listen to the voice telling you that you’ve already missed too many days. Instead, press “Delete” and start over. Put on the armor of God (watch this to learn how) and get back in the saddle. God’s for you and so am I!


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