What Do You Want For Christmas?

     Like for real, what do you want for Christmas? I’m talking about physical gifts, you know, the fun stuff? I’ve sort of got my eye on a sound bar for the big honkin’ TV I won last year. I mean, it just seems like poor stewardship to have that awesome TV and not have an equally awesome sound bar. (Now don’t go buying me gifts or anything, you know I’m about to make a spiritual point.) So, what do you want?

    Ever wonder what Jesus wants for Christmas? (Don’t worry, this isn’t a backdoor appeal for First Gift.) Think about it for a second–does the Bible tell us anything about what Jesus might want for Christmas? I think the answer is in Isaiah 61 which tells us that Jesus gave up his heavenly glory because he wanted something else even more. Can you imagine that? Jesus has all power, glory, and is adored by angels bright as day, but he wants something else even more. What is it?

     Even more than residing in the throne room as the Most High God, Jesus wants the poor and destitute of spirit to hear the good news of his salvation. More than maintaining his robes of glory, he wants the broken-hearted to have their hearts bound back together, whole and healed. More than the adulation of the seraphim, he wants the captive set free and those imprisoned by fear and hate and falsehoods and addictions. This is what Jesus wants, and he proved it by becoming human.

     Now don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to Christmas, spending time with family, and even getting some presents, but it seems to me that I ought to desire what Jesus desires for Christmas at least as much. How about you?

    Make plans now to reach out to someone, inviting them to one of our two distinct Christmas gatherings on Christmas Eve at 4:00 p.m. for the super kid-friendly version, or 5:30 p.m. for the more mature version.

Love the lost like Jesus loves them.

On the adventure with you,





P.S. Have you given your First Gift yet? Let’s give generously so we can keep joining God in what he’s doing in places like Reynosa, and in powerful ministries like those to our students and those with HIV/AIDS.



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