
Search results for 'sermons'

Your search returned 7 matches for sermons.

CrossBridge 40-Day Fast

On Tuesday of this week, CrossBridge jumped into a 40-day fast leading up to Easter. Our goal isn’t just to deprive ourselves of things our bodies want, but rather to turn down the volume of the world so we can turn up the intensity of our pursuit of a deeper friendship with Jesus.  If you missed last Sunday, you can hear the explanation how fasting helps develop intimacy…


Did you notice last Sunday that the first letter on those colored boxes spelled: “iLove”? Here’s a cool story just fresh out of the oven…Monday I went to the hospital with one of my disciple making groups to pray for people in the lobby and look for opportunities to share the love of Jesus. I arrived first and saw a security guard positioned at a desk in a prominent…

What You Really Need

Good communication is at the root of every intimate relationship we have. This is also true for our relationship with Jesus. Our soul desperately needs to hear his spiritual voice. In fact, we can’t follow Jesus or really know him without this. When we (and our kids) begin to experience Jesus speaking through the Holy Spirit and the Word, our relationship with him comes…

Parenting and Free Will

     No one struggles with the lie of condemnation like parents do. We often carry the weight of all our mistakes and the would’ve, could’ve, should’ves of the past as it relates to how we parented. No one speaks more negatively to me…than me. (Know what I mean?)      But it’s important to remember, while it’s undeniable that we are…

Wow! You’ve got to see this…

     Were you with CrossBridge last Sunday? I can’t explain our gathering in a way that will do justice to what God was revealing, but in Acts 2:47, the church is described as being in awe. I felt that this past Sunday.      I’m thinking about Nathan’s story of transformation and freedom…Shea’s picture of the scuba tanks as he described…

Follow up on Suicide Teaching

CrossBridge Family,      This past Sunday we focused on suicide, how God views it and the consequences for a believer. If you missed the message, I think you need to watch/listen to it. (Click here.)      Hopelessness and loneliness almost always precede suicide. Our culture is ripe with this because we so value individualism and independence. People can be inundated with…

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