Take Your Foot Off the Gas a Little

Isn’t it amazing the amount of wisdom Jesus can pack into such a small story? He talks about building a house on the rock and not on the sand…and the next thing you know, the Holy Spirit is convicting us about all the other voices we’re listening to and all the things we’re living for other than him. 

Or…we read about how Jesus set a man free from a legion of demons and suddenly we realize our own desperate need to run to Jesus and fall at his knees just like that man did.

Jesus wants to speak into the specifics of your life everyday. He wants to encourage you…to guide you…to give you wisdom, just like he does when we gather on Sundays. But sometimes we run with such a pedal-to-the-metal kind of pace, that we never take our foot off the gas long enough to be still and receive what Jesus has for us. In fact, a person can live their whole life at breakneck speed…and guess what happens…they often have a breakneck crisis.

Don’t let “life” master you. Along with Jesus, you can master life. As a good next step, get our CrossBridge app and check out the Bible study. It will teach you how to have a powerful experience with the Word and the Holy Spirit.

On the adventure with you,


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