F.C.O.E…Know what it means?

Friendliest Church on Earth! That’s who I think we are!…and the start of a new year is the perfect time to show it. Guests will form their impression in the first 10 seconds of arriving on campus—Wow! That’s not very long to show them we’re the F.C.O.E!…but we can.

Whether you’re serving in the parking lot or at the registration desk…or hanging out at the coffee bar…or walking on the sidewalk, let people see the love of Jesus in your smile and in your hello. When someone visits CrossBridge, they often see you long before they see me. In fact, by the time I’m up on stage, they may have already made their decision to return next week or to keep looking elsewhere. So let’s show them how much Jesus loves them!

I’m so proud to be part of CrossBridge. (I’d love to be part of it even if I weren’t the pastor!) You’re so good at helping make people feel welcome and at home! What a sweet gift!

On the adventure with you,


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