You Picking Up the Spoon?

Did you pick up the spoon this week to feed yourself spiritually? Remember this powerful truth: Whatever you do to draw closer to Jesus—no matter how small—He will meet you there. Isn’t that an amazing promise?

Of course, our spiritual enemy tries to downplay this…“You won’t actually experience Jesus,” he says. “You’re not spiritual enough to be blessed by God,” he lies. 

Blast those lies out of your mind! You’re a child of God, just like anyone who has put their trust in Jesus. He has the capacity to be attentive to you personally—and he is! He has the bandwidth to care about everything swirling in your mind—and he does! 

Draw near to him and he will draw near to you! That’s the promise he gave to you in James 4:8. If you do nothing else this week, proclaim the promise of this verse out loud in response to the lies the enemy hurls your way. 

You’re dearly loved and seen and special to the One who created everything and sustains it by his power. Come this Sunday for Pick Up the Spoon part 2…I think you’ll be encouraged.

On the adventure with you,



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