Hello, San Antonio!

Surely you’ve been to some live concert in your life where the band took the stage and the lead singer yells out, “Hello, [insert name of city]!” The crowd always goes crazy and screams, “welcoming” the band to their city. (Of course, it doesn’t always work as planned…I saw a YouTube clip of the artist shouting out the wrong city!)

On Friday night, August 16, we’re going to welcome Bryan McCleery and band to our stage at CrossBridge. After over a year, Bryan’s newest worship album is releasing and we’re going to have a huge night of worship and celebration at CrossBridge. (I’m trying to get him to shout, “Hellooo, CrossBridddgge!)

Some of his previous songs have been streamed hundreds of thousands of times…and one song has been streamed over a million times from people all over the world. While it’s Bryan on stage and Bryan’s name on the album cover, he’d be the first to say that this album is an outgrowth of the ministry of our church and he wants to celebrate with us first. Tickets are free, but we need people to register so we know when we’ve maxed out the venue. So click here to register. (Also, get ready…I plan on doing some crowd surfing!)

On The Adventure with you,


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