Thank You for Showing Me How to Hear God

Not too long ago, I got a letter from one of my daughters. She’s in her 20’s, in college now and all grown up. (Assuming I keep sending her money!) Her note to me was kind and encouraging, expressing her gratitude to me for being her dad. It was the kind of letter you save instead of reading and throwing away. 

The most meaningful thing she said was, “Thanks for showing me how to hear God.” She went on to share how that one, primary relationship-building skill had transformed how she experiences Jesus. I was almost in tears as I read her words because this had been one of Debbie’s and my greatest priorities as parents.

This Sunday, as we continue our series, Making the Most of Summer, I’ll be showing you what I showed our daughters. The really cool bonus?…as you learn to show you children, you’ll deepen your own ability to sense the Lord’s presence and his leading in your own life, too. (Boom! Boom!)

This summer  has the potential to be the most spiritually rich summer of your life. Bring a friend with you and join me this Sunday at our gathering.

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