Halloween Thoughts

I’ve never been a big fan of Halloween, but I’m a huge fan of loving my neighbors with the love of Jesus…and guess where all my neighbors will be on October 31?…in the neighborhood trick or treating with their kids. So guess where I’ll be?…

I’m buying the best candy—not that generic stuff—and lots of it. The kids are going to be begging to come to my house—they remember last year. I’m also moving my grill to the front yard and cooking sausage wraps that I give to the parents. The dads love it (they just wish I’d hand out beer!). I have great conversations and I get show my neighbors that I care about them. Sometimes I get to pray for them, and other times, it’s just fun…but it all matters and Jesus loves it!

How could you engage your neighbors on Halloween? Here’s a couple of ideas:

  1. Get really good candy and sit in a lawn chair in your driveway so you can talk to people. Be friendly to the kids and ask about their costumes.
  2. Live in an apartment? Pick up some little gift bags and candy and deliver them to your neighbors. Make sure you tell them where you live, and wish them Happy Halloween or whatever. You can go a bit further and ask them if you can pray for them. Want to see what this might look like? Click this link.
  3. Get with someone from your life group and help them do this in their neighborhood.

All our neighbors are going to be out…we don’t want to be closed inside somewhere. Jesus said we’re the light of the world! Let’s shine with him on Halloween!

On the Adventure with you,


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