Too Small a Basket

     Once when CrossBridge hosted an Easter Egg Hunt, we had something like 10,000 eggs hidden. We had about 300 kids show up, which meant every child could have something like 33 eggs! I remember one child in tears because her basket was too small! She could only hold about 15 eggs. Fortunately we had a plastic grocery bag nearby and she dumped her eggs into it so she could start fresh.
     Sometimes we approach God with too small a basket. Our expectations of him are too small and we too easily get discouraged and lose hope. Yet, God tells us that he can do exceedingly more than we can ask or even imagine. He promises to work in every single circumstance for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose.
     It’s true we have to exchange our expectations and embrace his, but he’s made big promises to bless us as we follow him. He will reveal his love to you and include you in significant things as he brings glory to Jesus. Seek him, renew your mind, keep bringing your requests before him, and trust him.
     Don’t limit him by bringing too small a basket. Look for and ask for him to show up in a big way.
On the adventure with you,

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