World Mandate 2018

One of the most significant experiences to which Debbie and I exposed our children was the World Mandate Conference. Every year in February, we’d drive to Waco to Baylor’s Ferrell Center to hear the most inspiring stories of God’s power throughout the world.

     This conference was part of opening our daughter’s eyes (and mine and Debbie’s) to what Jesus was doing in transforming the nations of the world as the good news of forgiveness reached them. World Mandate spurred my daughters to learn another language…to live for something beyond just the newest iPhone and more “likes” on social media…to want to change the world with Jesus. Every year it broadened Debbie’s and my vision of what was possible with Jesus.
     I was super pumped when CrossBridge was asked to be a satellite location for World Mandate 2018. Instead of 60-70 of us traveling to Waco, we can all meet at our own place and experience the power of what Jesus is doing in the world.
     Plus I’m hoping other local churches are going to jump in with us. The worship will be powerful and big. The speakers-Francis Chan and J.T. Thomas and others-will blow your socks off. It’s February 2-3 and I can’t wait-it’s going to be great. You can register here.
On the adventure with you,

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