Praying for Vegas

Like you, I was shocked to awaken on Monday to hear of the horrendous shooting in Las Vegas and the number of those killed and injured. As I watched the news, I had trouble wrapping my head around what I was hearing…59 people dead…maybe more…500+ injured.

It’s stating the obvious for me to say that the world is becoming an increasingly dark place. We live in troubling times and, according to Matthew 24, Jesus tells us that it will become darker before it becomes lighter.

     Events like Las Vegas and Harvey/Irma should awaken us to our purpose for being on the planet: To reveal the love of Jesus to the whole world. This is why Father God didn’t sweep us all up into heaven when we put our trust in Jesus. Instead, he put the Holy Spirit within us and includes us in the same work that Jesus was doing on the earth: Reconciling people to God.
     We need to embrace his purpose for us wholeheartedly…but…we don’t need to try to live it out in our own strength. The Holy Spirit within us is the One who is greater than the one in the world. It’s by His strength, not our strength that God is going to expand his kingdom. This is why our first and constant goal should be to abide in him-just like we’ve been talking about these last several Sundays.
      We don’t need to be discouraged or fearful. Everything Jesus has promised to do…he is, at this very moment, in the process of doing. He is going to make all things new. He will never leave you. He is the Victor and we’re on his side. Draw closer to him. He will encourage you and through the Holy Spirit, will strengthen you, revealing his will and plan for your life. Remember he told us in John 16:33, “In this world you will have trouble, but don’t lose heart because I have overcome the world.”
On the adventure with you,

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