Racers, Start Your Engines!

This Sunday we start our walk through the book of John. I’ve been rereading it and am super pumped about what the Lord wants to say to us. I’m always amazed at how every time I get content with where I am with the Lord, he reveals that he has even more for me…and for you, too!
Our enemy loves to make make much of our shortcomings; he wants us to feel that we’re disqualified from the special blessings of God. He’s a liar! Every blessing of the Lord is for you and the Holy Spirit is excited about revealing more of it to you as we walk through the gospel of John together.
Here are some ways you can “start your engine” and join in the journey with us:
  1. Download the daily reading plan. It’s a short passage for each day. You can handle it!
  2. Download this short explanation on how to have a living conversation with God.
  3. Pick up a “Walking with Jesus” bracelet…they’re super stylish…
  4. Download the CrossBridge app so you can have our calendar and stream any service you miss while out of town.
Invite someone to come with you Sunday and let’s start together–you’ll love it. If you missed out on the book we recommended Sunday, it’s called Humility by Andrew Murray. Click the link to get it.
On the adventure with you,
Kirk Freeman

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