See the Father’s Heart This Sunday


      More than any church I’ve been part of, CrossBridge seeks to care for the orphaned or impoverished child. Together we sponsor over 600 children through Escuela Viva, Compassion and ANLM–over 600. Our adoption/foster care group has grown from just a couple of families to 34. This Sunday, you’re going to see evidence of the Father’s heart in tangible form. You’re going to hear stories and see people whose actions reveal the deep love of God for us– I hope you can make one of the services.  


     One more thing…I know it’s typical for all of us to think of the service in terms of how it impacts us. We’re all–including me–prone to look at life though the lens of our own needs. I think that’s why in one service last week we had 42 people–a number of them guests–when the service started. But when we approach our gatherings from this perspective at least two things happen:


   We miss out on the chance to honor the Lord by building a throne of praise for him. He wants to be with us; we’ve told him when we’re meeting. If we actually take him at his word–that he’ll meet with us when we gather in his name–we simply can’t keep him waiting. We show up to work on time, to our children’s activities on time–let’s show up to meet the Lord on time, too.


   We send our guests an unintended message: It’s all about us. When our pattern is to come late, we miss out on showing guests how much we honor Jesus and the sacred time of being with him with each other. When guests enter into the auditorium, only to find us not there, how can we show them the love of the Father? Yes, the room fills up later, but we want our actions to say, “It’s all about God,” not “It’s all about us.” In the same way that the Father’s heart is focused on loving others, let’s have that same mind as well.


      You know my heart isn’t to scold, but rather to spur you on to actions and belief that results in your experiencing the power of Jesus, and the world seeing him in us. I love you, pray for you and I’m on your side. This Sunday will be powerful as the Lord is exalted. Don’t forget that we’re starting Worship and Prayer (formally Immerse) every Friday night beginning this Friday at 7:00 p.m. Come let your soul be refreshed.



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