Global Mission Opportunities

At CrossBridge, our deepest desire is to spread the love of Jesus to the nations. This is the most tangible way to live out our mission. Check out the list of countries we have the privilege of ministering to and sign up for your next trip today!


You will need a valid passport to travel to any one of these countries (including Mexico). CrossBridge will pay for the cost of a standard (not expedited) new passport application or passport renewal if you plan to travel with us on mission.

To apply,

  1. Go to to start your application process. It can take up to 14 weeks to get a passport so please start early.
  2. Once you have submitted your application, send your receipts to Lindsey for reimbursement.

If you need to get your passport quicker, go here for expedited options. If you apply for an expedited passport, we will reimburse you up to the cost of a standard passport. Please submit receipts as above.

Questions? Please feel free to email Julia.

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