Women's Ministry
Women's Ministry exists to be a place where women can encounter God and grow in their relationships with others. We run after freedom, truth and grace.
CrossBridge Women's Ministry offers several ways for women to grow in their relationship with Christ and others. To learn more about each one, read on.
- If you'd like to receive a weekly email from CrossBridge outlining upcoming events, just email us here.
- For questions about Women's Ministry, email us here.
The Vine
Specifically designed to serve moms of babies and preschool children, The Vine gathers twice monthly on Mondays from September to May to equip and encourage one another for the role of motherhood and discipling our children. We aim to foster healthy connections among moms and to grow in our relationships with Jesus. Registration for The Vine is currently closed. Please email us if you'd like more information about The Vine.
The Gathering: Bible Study
The Gathering Bible study is a powerful, uplifting setting where friendships are formed, walks with the Lord are deepened as we dive into His word, and freedom from strongholds is received in a real and safe community that meets on Wednesday mornings, and free childcare is offered.
Please email us to learn more about our Fall and Spring Bible studies.
The Gathering: Freedom Groups
This is a place for CrossBridge members who have received Freedom Prayer and are interested in pursuing and walking out their freedom long-term in a safe, small group discipleship setting, combined with Freedom Prayer and Bible study. Freedom Groups have limited spots available. While still a part of The Gathering, these groups have a separate commitment and application process and require a commitment to both the fall and spring semesters. To apply:
- Carefully read the Freedom Groups Agreement and prayerfully consider your commitment to these meaningful guidelines. Each participant will sign a copy of the agreement during the first session.
- Please click here to be added to the 2025-2026 Interest List.
Women's Retreat
Our annual Women's Retreat is scheduled for April 4-6, 2025. To learn more about this year’s retreat, go here.
Meet the Team

Brittany Erbaugh
Women's Pastor

Rachel Wadsworth
Women's Ministry Director
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