
We look forward to having you with us.

9:15 a.m. || 11 a.m.

We meet at 25700 Overlook Parkway || San Antonio, Texas 78260

What to Expect on Sunday Morning


Where to Park

Feel free to park in any of the first-time guest spots in the very front of the building.

What to Wear

Don’t worry too much about what to wear.  A few people dress up, but most people choose to dress down and come casual. Come the way that you feel most comfortable.

During Service

Come Inside

Stop by the Welcome Center counter and meet one of our friendly volunteers, ask any questions you have, and learn more about the ministries we have for all ages.

Our greeting team—and a whole lot of other friendly people—will be available to help you find anything you need, including where and how to check in children to their classes. As you enter the Auditorium, we will help you find a seat.


As we gather together, we sing songs that lift high the name of Jesus and declare the truth of who God is and who we are as his children, based on scripture. At CrossBridge, we sing a variety of widely-known songs from artists such as Passion, Hillsong, Bethel, and Elevation worship. Want a taste of worship? Listen to our live worship album recorded at CrossBridge.

The Message

Every weekend, you will hear a relevant, straightforward message that is based on scripture and is designed to be helpful in your everyday life. Our desire is not just to teach the Bible, but to teach you how to get into God's Word yourself. We trust that these messages will help you develop a growing, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and provide a strong biblical foundation for your life.


We celebrate communion in different venues: quarterly, in our Lifegroups, and at special events like retreats. All who consider Jesus their Lord and Savior may participate in this time of reflection and prayer regardless of their church background. The juice and bread that we share represent the life he gave up so that our sins could be forgiven.

Babies, Kids, and Teens

What We Offer for Babies + Kids (birth - 5th grade)

We offer creative BabyZone and KidZone classes for ages birth through 5th grade. Check-in is available prior to each service in the Lobby. Go here to learn more.

What We Offer for Students (6th - 12th grade)

We offer Ignite for our middle school students, which means worship and thought-provoking messages taught by our associate student pastor. Our high school students experience High School Discipleship with our high school coordinator. To learn more about our student program, including Wednesday night Ablaze, go here.

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