
Stories from Uganda: Summer 2024

We had an amazing and powerful outreach. We even encountered two demonic deliverances! Becky witnessed one, and Andrew the other on the last day doing a baptism! Our God is a strong tower and delivered  people literally from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his beloved Son, Jesus.

Here is what happened over six days, we

  • Talked with 457 people
  • Prayed for 304 of them
  • Shared the Gospel  239 times
  • Saw 106 of them put their trust in Christ

Thirty-seven of those we prayed for were interested but not ready to receive Christ but wanted us to come back the next day. Sadly, 34 said no to Jesus.

By the numbers

  • Met 134 believers out in the harvest and encouraged them to join us and receive training and go out with us to reach the lost
  • Made 32 appointments for those who said yes or were interested in Jesus and went back the next day to visit them
  • Led 24 Discovery Bible Study groups (180 people) during the week with the above people
  • Identified 16 potential persons of peace where we may be able to start new house churches and fellowships
  • Identified 23 potential houses of peace which may be open to  starting home fellowships and house churches
  • Trained 150 Ugandan nationals and leaders in disciple making discipleship skills and strategies
  • Witnessed 39  people getting  baptized

In total we started 16 house churches on our sites:

  • Andrew’s Team - 3
  • Michael’s  Team - 5
  • Shawn’s Team - 6
  • Hotel House Group - 1
  • Solid Rock Church - 1

In one month, our Ugandan brother, Ronald, who oversees this work will return to strengthen and sharpen these new disciple makers and fledging house churches, seeing that they continue to grow, practice, and multiply themselves until there is no place left without a healthy church within reach of every Ugandan.

Questions? Please feel free to email Julia.

Being the hands and feet of Jesus

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