
Blue Bag Ministry

Being "The Hands and Feet of Jesus" can be as easy as handing out a bag filled with water, crackers, and a spiritual message. Our Blue Bag Ministry empowers you to be Jesus to those on the streets or the ones you see at traffic lights. Instead of ignoring them, you can engage them and give them a bag saying, "Jesus loves you."  We also have opportunities for you to help in assembling the bags that are passed out once a month.

What's my next step to participate?

  • If you are a LifeGroup Leader, please volunteer with your LifeGroup to purchase the supplies and assemble the bags. You can learn how to do this here. This is a great activity and a fun way to involve the kids in your LifeGroups.
  •  If you are an individual just pick up a Blue Bag at the Connection Center as you leave church and keep it in your car. Next time you see a homeless person at a corner or at the light, roll down your window and hand it to them. Simply say, "Jesus love you, and so do I."

"It is sin to belittle one's neighbor; blessed are those who help the poor." Proverbs 14:21

Interested in helping more? Please contact Julia.

Being the hands and feet of Jesus

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