


We believe prayer moves the heart of God to act on behalf of his people and his plan.

We pray because God calls us to pray for all kinds of requests and petitions (Ephesians 6:18). Our missionaries are on the frontlines, and what they need most from us is to be a people of prayer. We ask God to do the impossible for them and through them, opening up doors for the gospel to reach all people (Colossians 4:3).

Mission Prayer Graphic

Here's how to join us in prayer for our Summer 2024 Outreaches

Ukraine (Departing May 20)

  • Jesus to be seen in all of the traveling and for his light to shine wherever we go
  • The local church in Kyiv and for the people who have remained even in war
  • Local D-groups to form and multiply

Bridge to the East (Departing May 29)

  • Local partners in the Middle East and for the gospel to spread
  • The people in the Middle east to Jesus in dreams and visions
  • The team going, for health, traveling, and against enemy attack in any way
  • All to hear a clear presentation of the gospel and for many to believe

Dominican Republic (Departing June 11)

  • All to hear a clear presentation of the gospel and for many to believe
  • The Lord to build up his Church
  • Growing dependence on the Lord
  • House churches to grow


  • All to hear a clear presentation of the gospel and for many to believe
  • House churches to grow and multiply
  • The enemy to bow to the name of Jesus
  • Protection against the weariness of travel and being in different environments

Southeast Asia (Departing June 12)

  • All to hear a clear presentation of the gospel and for many to believe
  • House churches to grow and multiply
  • The enemy to bow to the name of Jesus
  • Protection against the weariness of travel and being in different environments

Washington D.C. (Departing July 11)

  • Boldness for the students attending to share the love of Christ with others
  • Spiritual growth and maturity
  • Visitors and residents to see Christ shine through our students and for the gospel to be shared

Here's how you can join us in prayer

4 ways to pray for believers

  1. To be filled with the Holy Spirit to proclaim the truth of the gospel among the nations
  2. For fear to be eradicated and for believers to be given grace to stand firm in their faith
  3. For the favor of the Lord to bring about supernatural unity among local believers in every nation
  4. For each of our teams to be fully supported -- physically, financially, and spiritually

3 ways to pray for unbelievers

  1. For the proclamation of the gospel to be accompanied by signs and wonders so that all will believe
  2. For captives to be set free, sick to to be healed and the spiritually dead to be alive in Jesus
  3. For salvations amongst the lost in the nations

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