Church @ Home Details

When to Watch

Watch and worship online at 9:15 a.m. and 11 a.m.

Where to Watch

Click here for On Demand - English

Click here for On Demand - Spanish


Giving generously is a biblical practice for Jesus-followers. It feels a bit counter-intuitive, but giving is God’s way of including us in his global work through our church. And because Jesus promises to reward our obedience to him, including generous giving, everything we give is actually an eternal investment. We can expect Jesus to deliver an amazing return on our investment!

To give online,  go here.

You can also text to give, by texting CBCC {Insert dollar amount here } to 74483. So you'd text CBCC 25 to send $25.


How to make Church @ Home Meaningful

  1. Prioritize joining CrossBridge just as you would if we met in person. Set an alarm. Plan to come. Experience worship. Expect to learn.
  2. Join us on your favorite platform.
  3. Stand to worship. Take notes. Sing your heart out!
  4. Allow your kids to be kids. Encourage them to sing and dance along. Church @ Home isn't perfect, but man, it's powerful!


Sunday Service Streaming Now! Click Here To Watch

First Sunday Service Live Broadcast In: